Tanaav (2024) S02 Tel + Tam + Hin + Mal + Kan

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Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Malayalam + Kannada

Tanaav (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

7.7/10 from 4,645 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Crime Drama Thriller

 Starring by:

Arslan Goni Danish Husain Ekta Kaul Gaurav Arora Sahiba Bali Satyadeep Mishra Soni Razdan

 Directed by:

E. Niwas Sudhir Mishra






Multi Audio

 Story Plot: When a new enemy rises threatening to spread ISIS influence in Kashmir, an attack on his father leads Kabir to rejoin the STG. Amidst mounting losses and unrelenting clashes, Kabir must navigate a web of deceit to stop a catastrophic plot.
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