My Fault [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Mal + Kan + Eng]

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Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Malayalam + Kannada + Eng

My Fault (2023)
 IMDB Rating:

6.2/10 from 27,227 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Drama Romance

 Starring by:

Gabriel Guevara Marta Hazas Nicole Wallace

 Directed by:

Domingo González






Multi Audio

 Story Plot: Noah must leave her city, boyfriend, and friends to move into William Leister's mansion, the flashy and wealthy husband of her mother Rafaela. As a proud and independent 17 year old, Noah resists living in a mansion surrounded by luxury. However, it is there where she meets Nick, her new stepbrother, and the clash of their strong personalities becomes evident from the very beginning.
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