Mr Ghost (2023) Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Chi

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Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Chi

Mr Ghost (2023)
 IMDB Rating:

4.8/10 from 1,593 votes

  Original Name:


Horror Mystery Thriller

 Starring by:

Fu Xiao Shuang Gao Cheng Long Ryan Zhang

 Directed by:

Zhang Tao






Multi Audio

 Story Plot: In the world, there once lived a person named Yan Bufan, who hid in the bustling city and helped the suffering people, earning their love and admiration. It was rumored that he excelled in the knowledge of celestial phenomena and geography, possessed the ability to drive away evil and capture the supernatural, and could see what ordinary people couldn't see. He intervened in unjust matters and was known as the "Master of Yin and Yang." Yan Bufan was invited to the Lin family's residence to solve a difficult problem. As soon as he entered, he came across a row of "ghost footprints" on the ground, extending forward. With the introduction of the Lin family's steward, Yan Bufan followed the footprints and began to resolve the "ghostly matters" in the Lin residence.
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