Father Stu (2022) Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Eng

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Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Eng

Father Stu (2022)
 IMDB Rating:

6.5/10 from 31,608 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Biography Drama

 Starring by:

Jacki Weaver Mark Wahlberg Mel Gibson

 Directed by:

Rosalind Ross


South Korea United States




Multi Audio

 Story Plot: The true-life story of boxer-turned-priest. When an injury ends his amateur boxing career, Stuart Long moves to Los Angeles to find money and fame. While scraping by as a supermarket clerk, he meets Carmen, a Sunday school teacher who seems immune to his bad-boy charm. Determined to win her over, the longtime agnostic starts going to church to impress her. However, a motorcycle accident leaves him wondering if he can use his second chance to help others, leading to the surprising realization that he's meant to be a Catholic priest.
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