Crazy Romance [Telugu + Tamil + Hindi]

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Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Kor

Crazy Romance (2019)
 IMDB Rating:

6.2/10 from 963 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Comedy Drama Romance

 Starring by:

Kang Ki-young Kim Rae-won Kong Hyo-jin

 Directed by:

Kim Han-Kyul


South Korea





 Story Plot: Jae-hoon recently breaks up with his girlfriend and he still cannot give her up. Whenever he gets drunk, it has become a daily routine to call her and act out of drunkenness. On the other hand, Sun-young also decides to break up with his boyfriend. But she holds a grudge against him. For them, it seems that the beginning and the end of a love affair are both difficult. Can they overcome from the previous romance and start the new one?
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