Madura Veera (Telugu)

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Madura Veera (2022)
 IMDB Rating:

9.7/10 from 362 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Drama

 Starring by:

Bala Saravanan Pandian M. Shanmuga Samuthirakani

 Directed by:

P.G. Muthaiah







 Story Plot: Durai returns to his native in Madurai from Malaysia after 20 years in the pretext of marrying a girl from his village, but he has other plans in mind to find out his father Rathinavel’s murderer and to conduct the valorous sport of Jallikattu, which has been stopped for many years. Slain Rathinam was a revered leader in the area who always strived to unite the two rival communities, the upper caste bull owner and bigwig Gurumurthy (Vela Ramamoorthy) and the lower caste headed by Malaisami. Then, there is Durai’s uncle Pattaiyar, whose daughter is fond of her ‘murai paiyan’. How Durai succeeds in his mission forms the rest with a mild twist revealed towards the end.
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