Kaliyugam Pattanamlo (Telugu)

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Kaliyugam Pattanamlo (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

8.5/10 from 25,130 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Crime Thriller

 Starring by:

Chitra Shukla Devi Prasad Vishva Karthikeya

 Directed by:

Ramakhanth Reddy







 Story Plot: Kaliyugam Pattanamlo is all about the mysterious happenings in the town and its connection to two families. Police Officer Prabhakar, directs daring cop Shivangi to go to Nandyal and nab the criminals behind the mysterious murders and other happenings in Nandyal town. Where this leads to and how it is connected to her niece, engineering student Sravani, her boyfriend Vijay and what role Vijay’s parents Mohan, Kalpana played and how the developments are connected to Sagar form rest of the narration.
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