Abraham Ozler (Tamil)

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Abraham Ozler (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

7.0/10 from 882 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Crime Drama Mystery

 Starring by:

Jagadish Jayaram Senthil Krishna

 Directed by:

Midhun Manuel Thomas







 Story Plot: Abraham Ozler is about a police officer, grappling with severe depression and insomnia after losing his wife and children to a vengeful killer. Currently serving as the assistant commissioner of Trichur City, Kerala, Ozler is haunted by the inability to locate the remains of his family. Desperate for closure, he repeatedly visits the criminal responsible, who, now a reformed drug addict, cannot recall the burial site. As a series of murders unfold in the city, Ozler, following his therapist’s advice to stay engaged in healing, launches an investigation.
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