Jilebi (2024) Telugu

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Jilebi (2023)
 IMDB Rating:

8.0/10 from 1,236 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Comedy Horror Thriller

 Starring by:

Murli Sharma Rajendra Prasad Shivani Rajashekar

 Directed by:

Vijay K. Bhaskar







 Story Plot: Story revolves around four college-going friends in a hostel and how their life changes due to a girl. Kamal, a college student who lives in a hostel, gets into a peculiar situation with a girl named GLB aka Jilebi. How he came into contact with Jilebi and the consequences faced by him, how they are connected to his friends Bujji, Bobby, Washington, Jilebi father MLA Rudra Pratap Rana, hostel warden Dhairyam, Paidithalli and auto driver Nani should be found on screen.
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