The Hot-blooded (Telugu + Tamil + Hindi)

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Telugu + Tamil + Hindi

The Hot-blooded (2021)
 IMDB Rating:

6.5/10 from 251 votes

  Original Name:



 Starring by:

Choi Je Heon Jung Sung Ho Lee Jung-hyun

 Directed by:

Shin Jae Myung


South Korea




Multi Audio

 Story Plot: At some point, they dreamed of becoming a part of the national taekwondo team, but now, they have surrendered to reality. There were three friends, Hoon Ih, Seong Ho, and Taeyeong. Their friendship was immersed in happy memories for a while, hearing the news that Taeyeong, the only one of them who remained in Seoul to dream of becoming a champion, will finally return home after a long time.
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