Dhoom Dhaam (2024) Telugu

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Dhoom Dhaam (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

7.0/10 from 3,841 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Comedy Drama Family Romance

 Starring by:

Chetan Maddineni Hebah Patel Vennela Kishore

 Directed by:

Sai Kishore Macha







 Story Plot: Karthik’s father loves his son immensely. He wants only his son to be number one always. Karthik also adores his father equally. Karthik’s life changes with the entry of Suhana. What dramatic developments transform Karthik’s life? The film explores the mistakes Karthik and his father make for each other. How do these mistakes affect Suhana and her family? What kind of turn does the story take in the end? Watch the movie on the big screen to unfold these answers.
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