Land Shark (2020) Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + Eng

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Telugu + Tamil + Hindi + English

Land Shark (2020)
 IMDB Rating:

4.1/10 from 201 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Adventure Horror

 Starring by:

Li-Qun Luo Tang Xin Xi Mei-Li

 Directed by:

Cheng Si-Yu






Multi Audio

 Story Plot: Qian Cheng, the boss of the pharmaceutical company, has invested in the establishment of a biopharmaceutical research laboratory located deep in the jungle. By modifying the shark gene to develop a new type of anti-cancer drug, but when the drug is about to be put into mass production, a huge crisis also came quietly: due to the change of the shark's gene, the gene mutation was fierce and showed the characteristics of other organisms.
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