Sleeping Dogs (2024) Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Eng

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Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Eng

Sleeping Dogs (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

6.1/10 from 11,462 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Crime Mystery Thriller

 Starring by:

Karen Gillan Marton Csokas Russell Crowe

 Directed by:

Adam Cooper


Australia United States




Multi Audio

 Story Plot: Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can't remember. As a man's life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth - sometimes, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie.
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