Vote (2023) Telugu

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Vote (2023)
 IMDB Rating:

5.6/10 from 1,456 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Drama Political

 Starring by:

Goparaju Ramana Hrithik Saurya Tanvi Negi

 Directed by:








 Story Plot: The film that tells the story of three young adults, Abhinav, Krishnaveni, and Veeranna, who are passionate about democracy and social justice. When their village is threatened by corrupt politicians seeking to suppress voter turnout, they launch a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of voting. Despite facing adversity and intimidation, they persevere, encouraging their fellow villagers to register and vote. In the end, their efforts are successful, leading to a strong voter turnout and the defeat of the corrupt politicians, emphasizing the power of grassroots action in upholding democracy.
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